
Hi Translate - All Language 1.0.9

Zamora Lauren

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Hi Translate - All Language is a free Android app developed by Zamora Lauren. This app is a must-have for anyone looking for a reliable and efficient translator on their Android device.

With HiTranslate, you can easily translate text from 110 different languages to English or any other language of your choice. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this app is incredibly user-friendly and intuitive.

One of the standout features of HiTranslate is its seamless integration with your device's camera. Simply point your camera at any text, and the app will instantly translate it for you. This feature is especially useful when traveling or when you come across foreign signs or menus.

In addition to text translation, HiTranslate also supports text-to-speech and voice recognition for various languages, including French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish. This means you can easily communicate with others in different languages without any hassle.

Another great feature of HiTranslate is its ability to translate not only text but also photos. You can take a screenshot and then use the app to translate the text within the image. This feature comes in handy when you need to quickly understand the content of an image or document.

Furthermore, HiTranslate allows you to translate text directly from websites or online dictionaries. Simply copy and paste the text into the app, and it will provide you with an accurate translation.

Overall, HiTranslate - All Language is a powerful and versatile translator app for Android devices. Its user-friendly interface, camera integration, and support for various languages make it an essential tool for anyone who needs quick and accurate translations on the go.

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